
At the end of August, my favorite ladies and I went on another Pinecrest camping trip, our favorite place we go to every summer.

It was a little smoky due to all the fires burning in California but overall a fun 5 days of time at the lake with friends. There were a lot less people than in July, so the beach wasn’t crowded and the campground wasn’t full. The weather was perfect, not too hot nor cold.

As usual, I swam in the lake every day and my cat Maverick hung out in his backpack on the beach with us. Due to less activity of people and dogs, Maverick actually went on walks with me near the beach and did really good exploring.

My friend’s son learned how to climb up my van’s side ladder and enjoyed hanging out on my roof rack. He was so happy up there that he climbed up daily. You’ll see him chillin’ up there in the van photos.

Last time I was at Pinecrest I decided to go skinny dipping in the lake late at night. I enjoyed it so much that I did it again this time! There’s something exhilarating and very freeing being in the lake naked and alone in the darkness of night. The moonlight and stars just add an ambiance you don’t feel during the day; the water looks slick black, almost like oil, and feels refreshing against the skin. I’m pretty sure that late night skinny dips are a new tradition.

More photos from the camping trip up on my Instagram!
