This past Sunday, Meowmy drove us to Baywinds Park in Foster City for an SF Vanabonds & SF Bay Area RVLife Mobile Chapter Meetup.  From what I understand, this area is well-known for windsurfing and it’s right along the Mariners Point Golf Center.  It was cool to see so many people that live in their vans and truck campers!  There was a few dogs there on leashes, so I mainly stayed in the grassy area and in a bush while Meowmy chatted with everyone.  I got to look inside a few of the vehicles and it was pretty neat to see them all lined up in a row with everyone checking out everyone else’s rig.  We made a lot of new friends, including Dan, a former wrestler from Michigan living in a van, and Anastacia and Trevor, who make awesome grilled cheese sandwiches at Burning Man, plus there was talk about meeting up monthly, which is pretty exciting.
